Journalist man with a photo camera

You know how business is: you always have more tough decisions to make than you have time to dedicate to making them. So, it’s easy to let that fear of making a bad decision get pretty big and overwhelming. However, you find a way to just let that stuff go and keep doing the next thing your business needs done.

Finding the right person or company to do your next corporate headshot can be a daunting task. After all, that image could be on your company website, in magazines, on your LinkedIn profile, in the newspaper, and even on TV. Get a goofy-looking one, and you’re going to look like a fool for months and years to come.

So, you have to make sure that you work with who really fits your wants and needs best. You’ll have two basic choices as you look:

  1. Independent photographers
  2. Corporate studios

And here’s some of the differences between them:

  1. A Custom Photo Versus One that Really Works

With corporate studios, they have the process down. Just like your company does. You’ll get a photo that works. But, you might just look like every other executive. You blend in. And that gives no one a good reason to do business with you.

With independent photographers (when you find the right one), you get a custom photo that represents your unique personality. You’ll stand out. Be different.

Not for every executive. But, you’ll get much better results from your photo when you do.

  1. Experience That Delivers You Results

We won’t say corporate photo studios are inexperienced. But, they may not have the specialized experience an independent photographer does.

They have a process. They know it works. You’ll be happy. But, independent photographers have had more time to test and refine their processes. They usually have more experience, so they can make better snap judgments along the way.

Again, you’ll likely come away happy from a corporate studio. But, you could come away much happier from an independent photographer.

  1. Differences Between Photographers

You can find independent photographers that focus exclusively on corporate headshots. Others do different kinds of photos (professional, weddings, family and so on…). And some photographers have years of business experience prior to their career move to photography. That means you can get a ton of value when you find the right “niche” photographer for executive headshots.

So, those are some things to look for as you go out there and search for someone to do  your next corporate headshot. Remember, it’s all about you and what you want with yours.